Showing 1–20 of 1875 results

This bingo-style game is not about matching, it’s about making 10! Cover the numbered spots on the ladybug with the numbered pieces that together make ten! Cards feature ten-frames on one side for beginners, and numbers on the reverse for more advanced players. Fill your card and win! Includes 6 double-sided cards and 72 “spots”…

Excellent for adding up to 18, subtracting from 9 or multiplication to 81. The inclusion of 0 makes it excellent for work with place value, especially when combined with our other 10-sided place value dice, as well as rounding and doubles.

Excellent for adding up to 18, subtracting from 9 or multiplication to 81. The inclusion of 0 makes it excellent for work with place value, especially when combined with our other 10-sided place value dice, as well as rounding and doubles.

Our 10-sided 00-90 (decade) place value dice help build whole numbers from units (ones) to 100,000 and decimal values from tenths – thousandths. Superb quality and bright colors. These place value dice show numbers in expanded form, great for reading, comparing, numbers, writing in expanded and standard form, operations in base ten. Your choice of…

Perfect for 100th day celebrations! 2″ each. 32 self-adhesive badges per pack

– These dice have pips for 1 – 6 Twice – Assorted opaque dice with pips – These dice are 12 sided dice and approximately 16mm – 5/8 inch in size. Dice manufactured by Koplow Games

This die is numbered 1 – 12 and is perfect for: operational fluency including adding to 24, subtracting from 12, multiplication to 144, fractions to twelfths.

Perfect for primary school addition, subtraction and multiplication tables, mixed operations, clock and calendar activities, fractions and more.

20mm D7 14 Sided 1 to 7 Twice Game Dice

This dice works well with any numbered dice, letting you roll up new equations on the spot.

2 Function Math operations dice. One 16mm white opaque operator dice. Die shows x and ÷


Great for learning numbers 1 to 20 and useful for addition and subtraction with regrouping or working on larger products in multiplication, as well as estimation, comparison and probability.

Unique 24 sided dice, use the top number on the roll Measures ~24mm tall The 6 and 9 are underlined to help differentiate the two numbers.

Great for demonstration and experiments! Two bar magnets, 3 x 1/4 x 1/2″ with North and South poles stamped.

Build a cool, colourful model of the solar system! This 3D mobile rotates around and glows in the dark, and the snap-together plastic planets can be painted with both coloured and glow in the dark paints. A painting instruction sheet is also included with tips on how to make the planets look realistic, as is…


5-Minute Mystery is a high-intensity, deductive game! You’ll work together with your friends to find hidden symbols, piece together clues and arrest a culprit, all in just five minutes! As far as the 5-Minute games go, this one is highly rated on Board Game Geek and Tom Vasel of Dice Tower likes it even better…

This 5-Star Mathematician chart provides a memorable and explicit way for students to understand the most important pieces of the Common Core standards related to solving math problems. Colorful pictures of the popular Stick Kids provide picture support for all students from early readers to English Language Learners. Includes reproducibles, standards-related information, and activity ideas…

50 Bead String Activities is a set of 50 double-sided activity cards for teaching math skills with rekenrek bead strings. The front side provides teaching objectives, resources used and procedure. The other side provides visual examples. Math manipulatives used effectively throughout and presented in clear photography. Topics include: counting, numbers, teen numbers, bigger & smaller, Ty…