Whales Gr 2-3


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UPC: 015531927493 SKU: RHPZ43 Category:


What could be a better supplement to your theme of whales that this package. Everything from whale communication to whale food and whale characteristics is covered with simple to use activities. Whales contains activities to supplement a theme of whale research and to help provide visuals and learning activities for students. As students explore the world of whales, use the following topics for discovery as a guide: whale extinction, Inuit and whales, geographical locations of whales in Canada, whale communication, whale families and social groups, whale hunting, whale watching, food, mammal-like characteristics, and current events. This Animal Science lesson provides a teacher and student section with reading passages, activities, word search, big book, and bookmaking to create a well-rounded lesson plan.

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Weight 1 kg


Rainbow Horizons Publishing