Climate Change Reduction Gr 5-8


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UPC: 009781553194 SKU: CC5771 Category:


Advocates and skeptics of Climate Change will both benefit from our valuable resource. Start by looking ahead at Earth’s future and finding out how warm it will get. Design your own dream car that runs on alternative fuel. Research different transportation choices in your region and create a pamphlet to showcase them. Find out about product life cycles and what industries can do to lower their emissions. Create a plan of your own green city that will run completely on clean energy. Learn how green buildings work and what components go into creating this fascinating technology. See what other countries are doing to create communities free of carbon dioxide emissions and waste. Then, find out what you can do to lower your own greenhouse gas emissions. Written to Bloom’s Taxonomy and STEAM initiatives, additional hands-on activities, crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.

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