Showing all 5 results

  • Life Cycle Of A Chicken


    A hen may lay 300 eggs in a year, but only if a rooster is present can the eggs contain hatchlings. Eggs take 21 days to hatch, but a newly hatched chick is up and moving within a day. Within three months, the chick has lost its yellow feathers and replaced them with adult feathers,…

  • Life Cycle Of A Frog


    Life begins amid a clutch of floating eggs. Those that survive hatch as tadpoles, and then undergo a rapid change as they lose their gills and grow legs. Life in the water is grand, but these amphibians will soon take to land, becoming adult frogs after 12 to 16 weeks. Scientific Name: Anura Characteristics: Unlike the distinct…

  • Life Cycle Of A Honey Bee

  • Life Cycle of a Mosquito


    Mosquitos begin life in the water, where their eggs are laid in floating rafts. The larvae that emerge feed on organic material in the water while developing into pupae. Days later, an adult mosquito emerges from the water, waits for its wings to dry, and flies off. Scientific Name: Culicidae Characteristics: Mosquitos go through a radical transformation,…

  • Penguins Toob


    Due to their natural habitats, penguins evolved as flightless birds that instead excel at swimming. This Toob includes a Gentoo, Humboldt, Chinstrap, Rockhopper, Galapagos, Adelie, and Emperor penguin family as well as a penguin chick and a swimming and sliding penguin. History: The most obvious distinction between penguins and other birds is that their over time,…