Showing 1–20 of 101 results

  • A Medievial Christmas Gr 4-6


    Turn your classroom into a great hall and celebrate Christmas with your students, medieval style. Includes information cards with follow-up activities focus on Christmas in the Middle Ages, Mumming, Medieval Traditions, St. George and the Dragon, a Christmas Feast in the Middle Ages and Saint Nicholas. Students are asked to compare a Medieval Christmas to…

  • Al Capone Does My Shirts Gr 4-6


    It is 1935 and Moose Flanagan’s dad has just been hired to work as an electrician on Alcatraz Island, home to the most famous prison in the United States. What is worse, Moose’s whole family is moving to the island to take up residence next door to Al Capone, Machine Gun Kelly, and a host…

  • All About Transportation Gr 2


    Planes, trains, and automobiles are great vehicles for learning in Grade 2. Enliven your lessons with these fun activities while practicing a wide range of critical skills including phonics, word study, creative writing, research, reading, critical thinking, and classification. The ready to use high-interest worksheets will get your students’ minds in gear. Includes a teacher…

  • All Kinds Of Vehicles Gr 3


    Planes, trains, cars, ships! Get your students’ minds in gear with these fun activities that practice a wide range of critical skills. Your students will be sailing through phonics, word study, creative writing, research, reading, critical thinking, classification, and math activities without a hitch. Includes 44 activities 96 pages

  • Amorces D’Histoires Le Canada 4-6


    This activity book offers 58 photos on Canada that will stimulate students’ creativity and allow them to acquire knowledge about their country. Each page has a photo, a blank box to write words related to the photo, a line for the title, and numbered lines for the story to be written. The photos cover six…

  • Amorces D’Histoires Le Canada 7-8


    This resource is filled with 58 photographs to be used to inspire students’ creativity and knowledge pertaining to their country – Canada. Each story starter includes a photograph, a corresponding word list, a blank line for the story’s title, and numbered blank lines for writing the story itself. The photographs pertain to five areas: nature,…

  • Ancient China Gr 4-6


    There is so much more to be discovered about ancient China than the ‘Great Wall’. Can you actually see it from Mars? Was spaghetti really a Chinese food? Learn more about Ghenghiz Khan, Marco Polo, the Dynasties and so much more. 53 activities that integrate social studies and language arts will help your students uncover…

  • Be Safe Not Sorry! Gr PK-1


    Your students will learn about safety in the following areas: fire, traffic, electrical, water, strangers, medical, animals, nature, and more! Includes reproducible work sheets. 42 Activities, 118 pages.

  • Big Book Of Canadian Celebrations 1


    Give your students a reason to celebrate each and every month of the year with this giant book of Canadian Holidays. Multicultural, religious, civil, and seasonal holidays are all included to provide sound coverage of the wide range of traditions Canadians find important. Skills in reading, writing, and critical thinking are featured in hands-on activities….

  • Big Book Of Canadian Mapping Gr 1-3


    There is no better way to learn more about one’s country than to study its geography. Use the multitude of activities and worksheets to expand student knowledge and strengthen their mapping skills of Canada. They will be introduced to mapping terms such as; country, border, ocean, province, territory, continent, hemisphere, latitude, longitude, symbols, legend, scale,…

  • Bud Not Buddy Gr 4-6

  • Butterflies & Caterpillars Gr 1-2


    Studying butterflies and caterpillars is a wonderful way to introduce young students to the world of insects and their behavior. Includes 30+ activities, student booklet, teacher guide, and an answer key. This recourse is filled with activities and ideas that will stimulate student curiosity and interest as well as develop or reinforce learning skills in…

  • Canada’s Landmarks Gr 1-3


    The essence of Canada is rich in tradition. Learn about the well-known homes, museums, historical landmarks, forts, the wealth of museums and a variety of other important landmarks, their history, and importance in Canadian history. Study Their History & Importance: What importance does the War Memorial have, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Rideau Hall,…

  • Canadian Money Gr 1-2


    Learning how to count money is an important skill as we need money to buy some of our favorite things! This resource is packed with worksheets and activities that allow students to practice important concepts involving money. Concepts covered include: identifying Canadian coins and their value; representing money amounts in one or more ways; counting…

  • Canadian Story Starters Gr 7-8


    This resource is filled with 58 photographs to be used to inspire students’ creativity and knowledge pertaining to their country – Canada. Each story starter includes a photograph, a blank word list, a blank line for the story’s title, a numbered blank lined reproducible worksheet for writing the story ideas for the story, and a…

  • Captains Courageous Gr 7-8


    Harvey Cheyne, the spoiled son of a millionaire, falls from the deck of an ocean liner during a heavy fog. He is rescued by the crew of a fishing schooner bound for the Grand Banks. Additional activities included are geographical and bibliographical information. Reproducible chapter questions, plus comprehension questions, a story summary, author biography, creative…

  • Changing Family & Community Traditions Gr 2


    The following unit of study is designed to support teachers and students as they work through the Social Studies Inquiry Process. The first section of this resource is setting the foundational skills for student research. This resource focuses on the big ideas in the Social Studies curriculum and has a mix of concrete and open-ended…

  • Chic Alors French Gr 7-8


    Cette unité suscitera chez les élèves une appréciation envers la langue française et les fera réaliser combien cela est utile quand on fait des courses. À la fin de cette unité, les élèves pourront se débrouiller s’ils voulaient acheter et vendre des habits dans un endroit français. 56 pages.

  • China Today Gr 5-8


    Explore the amazing world of China today, the biggest country of the Far East! This resource provides an engaging study of the country, climate and landscapes of China, and the rich language, cultures, and traditions of its people. 55+ reproducible activities and information cards are integrated across the curriculum. Assists students in developing skills in…

  • Chocolate Fever Gr 4-6


    Henry made medical history with the first case ever of Chocolate Fever. Reproducible chapter questions, plus comprehension questions, a story summary, author biography, creative and cross-curricular activities, complete with answer key. 62 pages.