Showing all 12 results

  • Bunnicula Novel Study Gr 4-7


    Bunnicula is told by a dog who lives with a weird cat in a crazy household. A rabbit arrives in the house and the cat is convinced that the bunny has vampire connections. The cat is determined to rid the world of this terrible menace and the excitement begins. Our unit provides teachers with a…

  • Communities: Past Present Future Gr 2-3


    Our unit focuses on the lives of the pioneers, on the children’s present day community, and what the community will look like in the future. The resource begins with a set of lesson plans for the teacher. Details are provided for the activities that the children participate in during each lesson. Then, a student booklet…

  • Earth Gr 1-2


    Like the making of mountains, your theme study of Earth could go on for eons. Our resource package provides you with learning centre-based activities, designed to introduce your class to the Earth as a whole, to the Earth’s surfaces, to the air we breathe, and to pollution and our responsibility towards cleaning it up. Included…

  • Hibernation: Badgers-Bears 2-3


    A combination of science and language arts that will have your students coming out from their long winter’s nap in a hurry! Animals investigated include Bears, Ladybugs, Groundhogs, Garter Snakes, Turtles, and Bats. Every day a different animal helps to keep students motivated to learn. Lesson plans give suggested teaching strategies for each of the…

  • Jacob Two-Two Meets The Hooded 4-7


    Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang is about a young boy who strives to be heard. One day, Jacob decided to try buying groceries for his parents. He is misunderstood by the grocer, who thinks Jacob insulted him, and as a result, finds himself in court. He is sentenced to two years, two months, two…

  • Loser Gr 4-7


    Loser is the story about the childhood of a young boy who never wins at games, trips on his own feet, raises his hand without ever knowing the correct answer, and falls down laughing at any unusual word. The novel traces Donald Zinkoff’s journey from first to sixth grade. It details his important friendships, marks…

  • Skinnybones Novel Study Gr 4-6


    Skinnybones is about a young boy named Alex, who challenges the class bully to a game of baseball in the hopes of proving his worth not only to others, but to himself. During the course of the novel, Alex discovers that maybe his strengths lie somewhere other than athletics. Our unit provides teachers with a…

  • The Egypt Game Gr 5-6


    The Egypt Game follows two 11-year-old girls living in California, who both share an interest in ancient Egypt. After finding Egyptian relics, including a bust of Nefertiti, in an abandoned yard, the girls invent the Egypt Game. They create their own Egyptian story and play the roles of high priestesses. The game is interrupted with…

  • The Egypt Game Novel Study Gr 4-6


    The Egypt Game follows two 11-year-old girls living in California, who both share an interest in ancient Egypt. After finding Egyptian relics, including a bust of Nefertiti, in an abandoned yard, the girls invent the Egypt Game. They create their own Egyptian story and play the roles of high priestesses. The game is interrupted with…

  • The Whipping Boy Gr 4-6


    The Whipping Boy is the story of a spoiled, misbehaving prince and his whipping boy. The prince, who by law is not to have a hand raised against him, receives a whipping boy who receives all of his punishment when he is bad. One day, the prince decides to run away from home and takes…

  • Weather Instruments Gr 1-3


    Weather Instruments: Rain Gauges, Barometers, Humidity and Thermometers, is a two-week language arts unit intended for use with Grade Two/Three children. It can be used to strengthen the children’s reading and writing skills. Throughout this unit, children are involved in activities that focus their attention on language and how it is used. They brainstorm, use…

  • Whales Gr 2-3


    What could be a better supplement to your theme of whales that this package. Everything from whale communication to whale food and whale characteristics is covered with simple to use activities. Whales contains activities to supplement a theme of whale research and to help provide visuals and learning activities for students. As students explore the…