
Build a cool, colourful model of the solar system! This 3D mobile rotates around and glows in the dark, and the snap-together plastic planets can be painted with both coloured and glow in the dark paints. A painting instruction sheet is also included with tips on how to make the planets look realistic, as is…

Approx. 2500 beads, 1 large hexagonal pegboard No. 276, reusable adhesive, color printed design sheet, instructions and ironing paper.

Approx. 4000 beads, 2 large square pegboards No. 234, 4 bead supports, 2 Hama Gems, color printed design sheet, instructions and ironing paper.


Perform amazing kitchen experiments with everyday materials. Generate electricity by using a fork and lemon. Launch a rocket fuelled by baking soda and vinegar. Build a table top volcano which erupts with bubbly lava … and MORE!

The Big Idea Magnify your mind! Young scientists can investigate everything from cells to crystals with this 48-piece microscope. The set includes all the tools kids need to create their own specimen slides and view them at up to 600x magnification. Shhh…They’re Learning! Provides fun introduction to a real science tool Includes safe and fun…

Kids think unicorns are legendary! And now they can make—and display—some magic with these unique unicorn and heart string art canvases. They can use our patterns or create their own design! Just push pins into the foam canvases and string away, no hammer or nails needed. • Craft kit makes 2 string art canvases: a unicorn and a…