Showing 1–20 of 29 results

  • Africa Gr 5-8


    Take a trip back to the cradle of life and explore the great Sahara Desert in Africa. Become familiar with the national capitals and major cities where the majority of the human population reside. Get a sense of the location of different countries in Africa by placing them in their correct categories in a graphic…

  • Anarctica Gr 5-8


    Highlights: • The Antarctic Peninsula • Climate & Wildlife • Effect of Climate Change • Snow & Ice Transportation • Mount Erebus • Waterway Map • Continent Outline Map Go on an exhibition to the South Pole as you explore the harsh climate of Antarctica. Study the ice, atmosphere, magnetic field, and greenhouse effect over…

  • Asia Gr 5-8


    Highlights: • Latitudes & Longitudes • Country Flow Chart • Three Gorges Dam Research • Cities & Rush Hour • The Malabar Coast • Continent Outline Map • Region Map Explore the vast landscape that is Asia, the world’s largest continent. Find and label the Gobi Desert, Himalayas mountain range and Mekong Delta on a…

  • Australia Gr 5-8


    Go down under and escape to a whole new world in Australia. Take a vacation and visit the many islands that make up the Melanesian region. Find the exact location of 10 cities in Australia using their latitude and longitude coordinates. Examine the unique wildlife species Australia’s island continent has to offer. Research and collect…

  • Carbon Footprint Big Book Gr 5-8


    Students will learn how they can improve the planet with our Carbon Footprint 3-book BUNDLE. Start engaging students in global climate change by personalizing their Own Carbon Footprint. Identify all the ways a kitchen uses energy. Calculate your travel footprint and learn ways to help reduce it. Next, bring climate change to the classroom by…

  • Climate Change Big Book Gr 5-8


    Start by providing insight into the science of our atmosphere with Climate Change: Causes. Create your own model of the carbon cycle. See firsthand how nitrogen-fixing bacteria can replace nitrogen fertilizers. Next, understand the Effects of Climate Change on the environment and human life. Observe a homemade melting ice sheet to understand its effect on…

  • Climate Change Causes Gr 5-8


    Provide students with insight into the science of our atmosphere and the effects of humanity’s actions on the Earth System. Our resource gives a scientific perspective on climate change that will help students separate fact from fiction. Investigate the different layers of the atmosphere. Conduct an experiment to see just how an object’s color affects…

  • Climate Change Effects Gr 5-8


    Students gain an understanding of the effects of climate change on the environment and human life. Our resource explores how the evolution of human society is affected by the climate. Start by going back in time and exploring the ice ages from Earth’s past. Learn about the lives of early humans, and how climate has…

  • Climate Change Reduction Gr 5-8


    Advocates and skeptics of Climate Change will both benefit from our valuable resource. Start by looking ahead at Earth’s future and finding out how warm it will get. Design your own dream car that runs on alternative fuel. Research different transportation choices in your region and create a pamphlet to showcase them. Find out about…

  • Force Gr 5-8


    Forces are at work all around us. Our resource makes this invisible world easy to “see” and understand. Start by identifying what a force is before looking at different kinds of forces. Conduct several experiments on the force of friction and air resistance. Learn about net force and how more than one force acts on…

  • Iraq War 2003 – Present Gr 5-8


    Jump into the complex and controversial military operation that saw the United States act to topple the regime of dictator Saddam Hussein. From 2003 to 2010, our resource brings to life the unrest and instability of Iraq, as well as the anti-war feelings and protests in the U.S. that resulted from this conflict. Create a…

  • Mapping With Google Earth Gr PK-2


    Teach your students the basics of map reading with our engaging resource designed for students in grades prekindergarten to two. Start with the elements found on a map, such as symbols, legends and the compass rose. Then, have your students apply what they’ve learned by mapping their classroom and route to school. Move on to…

  • Measurement Gr PK-2


    Beginner learners will recognize and estimate measurements while getting a sense of how things relate. Our resource introduces the mathematical concepts taken from real-life experiences, and provides warm-up and timed practice questions to strengthen procedural proficiency skills. Use objects to measure lengths of bigger objects. Use a teaspoon, cup and some water to experiment with…

  • Motion Gr 5-8


    Take the mystery out of motion. Our resource gives you everything you need to teach young scientists about motion. Start off by learning about speed and distance. Recognize if things are standing still or in motion. Graph the velocity of students walking home from school at different speeds. Identify when a skydiver is accelerating during…

  • Number & Operations Gr 3-5


    Gain a deeper understanding of fractions and percentages with Number & Operations. Our resource provides task and word problems surrounding real-life scenarios. Cut a cake into equal parts to share with friends. Dissect fractions with numerators and denominators. Go on the internet to see how many trading cards you can get with $50. Play with…

  • Persian Gulf War 1990-1991 Gr 5-8


    Get the facts about the U.S.-led Operation Desert Storm. From 1990 to 1991, our resource highlights the events that occurred shortly after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. Complete a map activity of Iraq. Conduct a research report on the process of extracting oil to establish the motivations behind the invasion of Kuwait. Get to know Saddam…

  • Ramona Quimby Age 8 Gr 3-4

  • Reading Response Forms Gr 1-2

  • Reduce Schools Carbon Footprint


    Bring climate change to the classroom by teaching students about their school’s carbon footprint. Our resource helps students determine their school’s carbon footprint and what they can do to make it smaller. Identify fossil fuels used at school and how they make your life more convenient. Brainstorm ways to reduce energy used in your school….

  • Technology & Globalization Gr 5-8


    Enter a world run on technology and find out why disparities exist between developed, developing and underdeveloped nations. Our resource helps students comprehend the process of globalization through technology. Write a screenplay about an inventor whose work influenced globalization through advancement in technology. Organize a fair to showcase different modern communications technologies that help people…